How Much Is a Tattoo Removal Machine?

Ever thought about getting rid of a tattoo you don’t want anymore? Well, you’re not alone! Lots of people are curious about tattoo removal. But here’s the big question: How much is a tattoo removal machine?

Don’t worry if you’re not sure.

We’re here to help you understand everything about tattoo removal machine prices. Whether you’re thinking about buying one or just want to learn more, stick around!

We’ll make it super easy to understand. Let’s get started!

how much is a tattoo removal machine

Types of tattoo removal machines

When it comes to tattoo removal machines, there’s no shortage of options out there. Each type of machine comes with its own set of features, benefits, and drawbacks.

Q-Switched Laser Machines:

These are the most widely used and popular type of tattoo removal machines. They work by delivering high-intensity laser pulses to break down the ink particles in the skin.

The “Q-switched” part refers to the quick, powerful bursts of energy the machine emits. This type of machine is known for its effectiveness in removing tattoos while minimizing damage to surrounding skin tissue.

However, multiple sessions may be required for complete removal, and they can be quite expensive.

Picosecond Laser Machines:

Picosecond lasers are a newer technology that has gained popularity in recent years. Unlike traditional Q-switched lasers, picosecond lasers deliver even shorter pulses of energy in the picosecond range (trillionths of a second).

Picosecond lasers are often touted as being faster and more effective than Q-switched lasers, but they may also come with a higher price tag.

Ruby Laser Machines:

Ruby lasers were one of the first types of lasers used for tattoo removal.

While they have largely been replaced by newer technologies like Q-switched and picosecond lasers, they are still occasionally used for specific types of tattoos.

Ruby lasers emit red light at a wavelength that is well-absorbed by certain ink colors, making them effective for targeting specific pigments.

However, they are generally slower and less versatile than newer laser technologies.

Fractional Laser Machines:

Fractional lasers use a different approach to tattoo removal by targeting only a fraction of the skin’s surface at a time.

This allows for more precise treatment with less damage to surrounding tissue. Fractional lasers are often used for tattoo removal in combination with other types of lasers to achieve optimal results.

While they may not be as effective on their own, they can be a valuable tool in the tattoo removal process.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Machines:

While not technically lasers, IPL machines are sometimes used for tattoo removal. They work by delivering pulses of broad-spectrum light to the skin, which is absorbed by the tattoo ink and converted into heat.

This heat breaks down the ink particles, allowing the body to gradually eliminate them. IPL machines are generally less effective than lasers for tattoo removal and may not be suitable for all types of tattoos.

However, they are often more affordable and may be preferred for certain skin types or ink colors.

Each type has its pros and cons, so it’s essential to talk to a professional to figure out which one is best for your tattoo and skin type.

Factors affecting the cost of tattoo removal machines

So, how much does one of these tattoo removal machines cost? Well, it all comes down to a couple of key factors:

  1. Type of Machine: Different types of machines come with different price tags. The more advanced and newer technologies, like picosecond lasers, tend to be more expensive than older ones like ruby lasers.
  2. Brand and Model: Just like with any product, the brand and specific model of the machine can affect the price. Some brands might be more well-known or have better features, which can drive up the cost.
  3. Size and Power: The size and power of the machine can also impact the price. Larger, more powerful machines capable of treating a wider range of tattoos may cost more than smaller, less powerful ones.
  4. Additional Features: Some machines come with extra features or accessories that can add to the overall cost. These might include things like cooling systems to minimize discomfort during treatment or advanced software for precise targeting of tattoos.

Overall, you’re looking at anywhere from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars for a tattoo removal machine.

It’s a significant investment, but for professionals in the tattoo removal business, it can be worth it to provide high-quality treatments to their clients.

Keep in mind that these are just ballpark figures, and prices can vary widely depending on the factors mentioned above.

If you’re considering purchasing a tattoo removal machine, it’s essential to do your research, compare options, and possibly even consult with a professional to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.

a simple tattoo on hand

How much is a tattoo removal machine?

So, let’s talk numbers. The price of a tattoo removal machine can vary widely based on its features and capabilities.

  1. Low-end machines: These are the budget-friendly options, ranging from $200 to $600. While they might seem like a steal, they’re not recommended for professional use. They lack the power and safety features needed for effective tattoo removal.
  2. Mid-range machines: If you’re looking for something more reliable, mid-range machines are priced between $1,500 and $5,000. They pack more punch than the low-end ones and can handle smaller tattoos or lighten larger ones.
  3. High-end machines: For top-of-the-line performance, you’re looking at a hefty investment. High-end machines can cost anywhere from $20,000 to $100,000 or even more. These are the big guns, capable of tackling even the toughest tattoos.

It’s worth noting that tattoo removal is serious business and should only be done by trained professionals.

That’s why professionals typically opt for high-end machines, ensuring they have the power and precision needed for safe and effective treatments.

Now, let’s consider some additional factors that can affect the cost:

  • Different lasers have different capabilities and price tags.
  • More power often means a higher price.
  • Machines that can produce multiple wavelengths for targeting different ink colors may cost more.
  • Larger, more portable machines may come with a higher price tag.

If you’re thinking about investing in a tattoo removal machine, do your homework. Make sure you choose one that suits your needs and abilities.

And always remember, safety first!

Make sure you’re qualified to operate the machine properly and aware of the risks involved in tattoo removal.

Additional expenses to consider

When you’re thinking about getting into tattoo removal, remember that the machine cost is just the start. Here are some other things you’ll need to think about:

  1. Training and Certification: Before you can use the machine safely, you’ll need training. This might cost you some money.
  2. Keeping the Machine Running: Like any tool, your machine will need looking after. This means fixing it if it breaks and making sure it’s working right. That can cost money too.
  3. Stuff You Need to Use with the Machine: You’ll need things like special tips, gels, and glasses to protect your eyes. These things need to be replaced regularly, and that costs money.
  4. Where You’ll Work: If you’re setting up a business, you’ll need a place to work. That means paying for rent, electricity, and other things.
  5. Telling People About Your Business: Once you’re ready to go, you’ll need to let people know you’re open for business. That means spending money on things like ads and websites.
  6. Insurance: You’ll need insurance to cover you if something goes wrong. That’s another cost to think about.
  7. Learning New Stuff: Things change fast in the world of tattoo removal. You’ll need to keep learning to stay up to date. That might mean spending money on courses or workshops.

✨ Also read: How Much Does Tattoo School Cost? In 2024

By thinking about all these costs upfront, you can make sure you’re ready to dive into the world of tattoo removal without any surprises along the way.

a girl with heart tattoo

Renting vs. buying tattoo removal machines

When it comes to getting a tattoo removal machine, you’ve got a choice: Should you buy one outright, or is it better to rent? Let’s weigh the pros and cons of each:



  1. Long-term Investment: Buying a machine means you own it outright. It’s an investment that can pay off over time if you plan to use it frequently.
  2. Freedom and Flexibility: You have the freedom to use the machine whenever you want without worrying about rental agreements or restrictions.
  3. No Ongoing Costs: Once you’ve paid for the machine, there are no ongoing rental fees or payments to worry about.


  1. Upfront Cost: Buying a tattoo removal machine can be expensive, especially for high-end models. It requires a significant upfront investment that not everyone can afford.
  2. Maintenance Costs: As the owner, you’re responsible for any maintenance or repairs that the machine may need over time. These costs can add up, especially for older machines.



  1. Lower Upfront Costs: Renting a machine typically requires a much smaller upfront investment compared to buying. This makes it a more affordable option for those who don’t have a lot of capital to spare.
  2. Flexibility: Renting gives you the flexibility to try out different machines and technologies without committing to a long-term purchase.
  3. No Maintenance Costs: When you rent a machine, you’re not responsible for maintenance or repairs. If the machine breaks down, the rental company will typically replace it or fix it at no additional cost to you.


  1. Ongoing Rental Fees: Renting a machine means you’ll have to pay ongoing rental fees for as long as you continue to use it. Over time, these fees can add up and may end up costing more than buying a machine outright.
  2. Limited Availability: Depending on where you live, rental options may be limited. You may not have access to the latest or most advanced machines in your area.
  3. No Ownership: Since you don’t own the machine, you don’t have any equity in it. You’re essentially paying to use someone else’s property without any long-term benefits.

Ultimately, the decision to rent or buy a tattoo removal machine depends on your individual circumstances and preferences.

If you have the capital and plan to use the machine frequently, buying may be the better option.

However, if you’re on a tight budget or want to try out different machines before committing, renting could be the way to go.

It’s essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully and consider your long-term goals before making a decision.

Conclusion: How much is a tattoo removal machine

The cost of a tattoo removal machine can vary significantly depending on its effectiveness and features. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Low-end machines: $200 to $600 (not recommended for professional use)
  • Mid-range machines: $1,500 to $5,000 (for smaller tattoos or lightening larger ones)
  • High-end machines: $20,000 to $100,000+ (most powerful and effective)

Remember, these are ballpark figures. You’ll need to factor in additional expenses like training, supplies, and potentially licensing depending on your location.

Considering renting vs. buying also impacts the overall cost. Renting is cheaper upfront but can be more expensive in the long run with frequent use.

Buying requires a significant initial investment but can be more cost-effective for frequent removals.

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